There is so little space, one can barley move ones legs. There are massive pools were I can swim in feces, that nearly drowned one of the other cows days earlier. At times its difficult to believe that this is not hell. Hundreds upon thousands standing in place, barley enough room to walk, the smell of waste, so fowl that our keepers were face masks to mask the near killer odor. The only thing keeping me going is the knowledge that one day our keepers will lead us to a promise land. Outside of the lot, on to greener pastures. Were we are fed grass and hay instead of the repulsive corn, were I may roam and graze the land. In the mean time, I must bear the weekly inoculations from my keeper, and stand in a pool of waste. I can only imagine what awaits through the fenced in path, most likely salvation, but I can only hope.
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