I think in our world its bizarre that humans have found a way to produce food in an artificial environment that cause serious repercussions to the environment. Of coarse its not a recent feature of humanity, as many people forget about the great dust bowl, caused by farmers not using crop rotation and re fertilizing the soil. In modern America a new fad has begun to emerge, an organic fad. The organic solution is simply simple, farmers and rancher don't use hormones, antibiotics, steroids, pesticides, chemical and preservatives and dyes in the food they produce. While at the same time not leeching from the Earth. I believe farmers should go back to this methodology, growing and produce food organically. Allowing cows to graze on grass, instead of corn and keeping the animal in claustrophobic pens. I also believe farmers that is, agricultural farmers should go back to simple fertilizers, and take measures in avoiding run-off into drinking water. At the same time those farmers should also end the use of harmful pesticides, particularly on produce with edible skin, such as apples. It is my firm that farmers and ranchers should go back to an organic farming method that would not only benefit people, but the Earth as well.